
Discovering the Haslingfield Landscape
A 20 page A5 booklet describing the history and development of Haslingfield Parish.
Including sketches and maps.

Forty Years On
A 20 page A5 booklet. The history of Haslingfield Village Society
How the Society began, projects, activities and past committee members.

Haslingfield 2000 The Record
A 48 page A5 booklet. A history in words and pictures of life in Haslingfield at the time of the 2000 Millennium celebrations. Packed with stories and images of life in and around the village. A superb work of record for future generation to enjoy.

The Haslingfield Chronicle
A 60 page A5 booklet. Extracts from ‘The Cambridgeshire Chronicle & University Journal’ which was a Cambridge weekly newspaper of the time. Packed with articles, pictures and sketches it is a fascinating collection which gives an insight into life in the village.

Haslingfield in the News
A publication that follows on from The Haslingfield Chronicle 1776 – 1900. Drawing items from the National Newspaper archive it has many more stories about the comings and goings of the good folk of Haslingfield between 1901 and 1920.

Walk & Look Round Haslingfield
An excellent guide to the many and varied buildings in the village. Includes a centre spread map for following the two walks described, and a brief history and simple guide to types of buildings to be seen.

A delightful Small Framed Sketch of Haslingfield from Chapel Hill. Tabletop displayed or wall mounted.
Dimensions 17cm x 12 cm.

Greetings Cards
£1 each – 5 for £4
Post Cards
50p each – 5 for £2
To purchase any of these items please email to make payment