The Cultural Heart of the Village

Haslingfield is an attractive village of around 2000 people, situated about seven miles south of Cambridge between the A10 and the A603. lt benefits from its position close to the many amenities of Cambridge, with easy access to motorways east/west and north/south, but maintaining its own character in a quiet rural setting. Haslingfield has a long history dating back to before Saxon times and the fine village sign. A colourful moulding of Queen Elizabeth 1 on horseback, it commemorates her visit to the manor house in 1564. For centuries the village was a small community of about 500 people until, in the 1950’s, it began to grow quite rapidly. By 1980 it had become essentially what we see today, although some development continues. Inevitably, the majority of the present inhabitants are “incomers”, less than one family in 25 originating here. But new arrivals tend to stay and many of the present inhabitants have lived here for 30 or 40 years, now with grandchildren growing up.

The village prides itself on its community spirit and, positive attitude towards integration and self help, reflected in the wide variety of village organizations and activities.

Together with its smaller neighbour Harlton, the village boasts a monthly community magazine titled ‘Church & Village’. Haslingfield also has Village and Parish Council websites.
There is a modern village hall, a shop and post office, a pub with Indian Restaurant and a host of historic buildings.

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