The images on the Gallery page are from the Howard Stringer Archive Collection except where otherwise credited.
This is a Haslingfield village view from 1911 that has changed very little.

It shows Church Road near the bottom of Chapel Hill.
The Marquis of Granby Pub and the Blacksmith shop are on the right.
In the distance a pony and trap stand in the road near the end of School Lane
This is the same view in 2024.
The Mohak Cafe is on the right.

Haslingfield Village Hall under construction.

An earlier hall was showing signs of age!

The new building, opened in 1993, has a stage, sound system, sports changing facilities, a fully equipped kitchen and meeting rooms.
Haslingfield Village Society hold monthly talks and other meetings in the hall, and Haslingfield Little Theatre present regular productions.
More of the history, and the evolution of the hall and adjacent recreation ground can be found on the Haslingfield Village website.
Haslingfield fire engine from 1940.

Purchased by the Chivers company, it was used during WWII. A German aircraft returning from a raid on Coventry fired at it – the fire engine still sported the bullet holes after the war.
Resident Tony Hayes remembers his uncle Len Barnard (on left) operating the appliance to extinguish a hayrick fire using water drawn from the river.
More recently in use at a lorry fire in the M11.